What have you learned from your audience feedback?
To get our audience feedback I did a variety of things. Firstly I put our Documentary on youtube, and got as many people to watch it and give us feedback, I also showed many people our poster and asked them to listen to the radio advert, so to get conclusions about this, I gave out 16 questionnaires asking what they thought of our documentary, and asked them to give me honest opinions.
The feedback that we received from these results has been written down and I have done a conclusion on Microsoft Excel from the questionnaires and I have also filmed some answers, to what they thought of the documentary when it was on youtube.
Questionnaire and results that I gave out to a number of people:
1) Did you like our documentary?
From this result i learnt that all the of the 16 people that filled out our questionaaire did like our beginning opening to documentary, which was very pleasing and a good result. We learnt that all our hard work has paid off and people said they enjoyed it, everyone that we asked enjoyed it which is a very postive conclusion.
2) Explain your resons (Why yes? Why no?)
This answer gives us the conclusion that many things are liked about our documentary, particulaly our choice of interviews, which i also think are our strongest element. Our animations are also popular, so we learnt that its better to have cheeky, fun animations to relate to attraction and love.
3) What could we improve on?
This gives us the conclusion that the sound is our weakest element, as it sounds uneven on youtube at the very beginning because of the music and voiceover, however after playing around with the volume levels are sound is now fixed and correct on adobe premire.
4) Does the theme interest you?
Most people said that the theme interested them because of the fact that their has never really been any documentarys about that explain about attraction, so would be interesting to find out more. I learnt that the 3 people that said no were not interested because they weren't really bothered about finding out attraction and it's just something that happens and they believe its a natural feeling.
5) After watching the introduction, would you want to watch the full half n hour?
This outcome was very positive, as everyone we asked wanted to watch the full thing after seeing the first 5 minuites, from this i learnt that the most important part of a documentary is the first few minuites because people instantley can dicide weather they want to continue to watch it or turn over!
6) Do you think our interviews worked well?
All 16 people that filled in our questionaire said that they thought our interviews worked well, this was because of the choice of interviews we used and the fact that we varied the age, sex, and genders to make it different and many different answers. We also learnt that in our interviews they all gave different answers to the same/similar questions, making it more varied and showing peoples different oppinions.
7) What did you think of the choice of music and voice over?
We learnt one again that our music at the beginning sounded a bit uneven and the music and voiceover in the first 5 seconds sounds a bit unlevel, however this concluded that the rest of the levels of sound is perfectly fine and the voice over is easy understood and clear to hear by our audience.
8) Do you think our film poster relates to our documentary? Why?
I asked many people this question and got all positive answers and will note down some of their answers:
1) I really liked your film poster, i think the picture is very strong and clear, it looks proffesional and i could see it up on a bill board somewhere passing by, and would no straight away that it was a channel 4 poster. Your main image is the strongest thing and is very well took and looks like a couple heavily in love.
2) The film poster is my favorite thing, i really like it, i think it's because it looks proffesional and is very eye-catching, as soon as i saw it i knew it had something to do with love or attraction, i like the fact that their is not to much overpowering font, but just important information and a cheeky 'do you fancy it?' line!
From this answer and others similar we learnt that our film poster worked really well and that people really did like it, i think the strongest point of the poster is the main central image because it is so powerful and meaningful and represents alot of things such as; love, happyness, lust and attraction which all heavily relate to our docmentary.
9) Did you like our film poster? And why?
The majority of people said they liked our film poster for many reasons; People said they really liked the picture and thought it looked very professional, they also thought it resembled the channel 4 posters well as it looked very similar to them, they liked the fact that the picture was very eye-catching and that the boy and girl on it looked in love and happy relating to attraction/love. However one person said they didn't, we asked them their reasons and we learnt that they didn't like the style of font that we used and thought it should be bigger, they also thought that we should of made the photo black and white to make it more romantic. This gave us some good feedback which we can take on board for future.
10) What are your opinions of our radio trailer?
"I thought your radio trailer was good, however i didn't really like the girls voice who spoke throughout, i thought her voice was very bland and boring, and didn't really interest me that much, i liked the fact that you added small clip bits from your documentary into your radio, i thought that was very clever and good."
"the radio trailer was the weekest for me, purley for the fact of the girls voice, she seemed abit dull and not fun and fresh, i also think to make it better you should have played music the hole way through to make it more exciting and fun and would of been a good song to play."
"The radio trailer was OK, i liked the things the girl was saying and it probably would of checked out your documentary, however i think you should of used the girl from your documentary on your voice over."
"I liked the fact that you used the same peice of music in the radio trailer and in the documentary, it tied it all together and made that song relevant to your piece."
"I really enjoyed your radio trailer, i thought it all flowed well and was like a proffesional one that you would hear on the radio, the only problem would be that the girls voice could of done with being a bit louder and abit more enthusiastic."
11) Would you be willing to watch our documentary after listening to the radio advert?
3/4 of the people said they really liked our radio trailer and thought it sounded good however a quarter of the people said they would not be willing to watch the documentary after listening to the trailer, there were many reasons for this such as:
1) The girls’ voice that we used to voice over, was a bit dull, and not very exciting making them not want to watch it as she had a boring voice.
2) The sound wasn't at a steady pace and seemed a bit up and down and dodgy-making it seems unprofessional.
3) The music needed to be on a little bit longer, as the music was fun, exciting and upbeat and it wasn't played for long enough.
4) Voice-over didn't seem very enthusiastic-sounded bored and sad.
12) What is your favourite item out of the radio trailer, documentary and poster? And why?
From these results I have learnt that our documentary was the favourite out of the three, and that the radio trailer was the least, i think our documentary and poster are also the strongest two as I believe they are the two most important elements because people will see the poster wherever they are weather its driving past or in a magazine. These were the reasons that people wrote down why they chose what they did;
Radio Trailer:
1) I like the radio trailer best because, I think it includes items from your documentary, and the girl used to speak sounds very good.
2) I really like the radio trailer as if I heard it when listening to galaxy etc I would most probably be likely to watch your documentary, also a lot of people listen to the radio so it would be advertised well, so a lot of people would no about it.
3) I like the music used at the beginning and the fact that you have used the same piece in your documentary, ties it all together.
Print Advert
1) The print advert is my favourite because the picture is so professional and a gorgeous photo, it would really make me want to watch your documentary, as it looks fun but interesting.
2) I really like the print advert because I think it looks like a channel 4 adverts, and channel 4 is my favourite channel so I would be most likely to watch it, as it looks different and fresh.
3) I love the picture, it looks really good and clear-the font is limited but the line ‘do you fancy it?’ makes it seem cheeky and quirky, making you wonder what it’s going to be about.
4) The main picture really catches my full attention, it makes a statement and I like the fact that its really close up and zoomed into them with no distractions, it also clearly states all the necessary information that you would need.
1) The documentary is really good; the choice of interviews throughout is varied and kept me entertained, I would love to watch more.
2) I like the animations used, like the kiss at the beginning is cute and fun and the way the font zooms in when it’s on screen is like a real documentary.
3) I like the fact you used a lesbian couple, showing that it’s more varied and isn’t just typical man/women, boy/girl.
4) Its my favourite because I think it shows a lot of hard work and looks professional all the camera angles you have used are clean cut.
5) I like it best because I think it is really interesting and informative but is also entertaining, and doesn’t drag on, like I like the fact that you have used photo’s to go over the interviews so it makes it more interesting.
6) The music at the beginning is really fun and different.
7) I like the introduction where the heart float across screen and the clips of recognisable programmes like skins, as I love skins.
8) I like the interview with the expert lady at the end, gives you useful and interesting information.
9) It is all in a simple order, and easy to understand.
To get our audience feedback I did a variety of things. Firstly I put our Documentary on youtube, and got as many people to watch it and give us feedback, I also showed many people our poster and asked them to listen to the radio advert, so to get conclusions about this, I gave out 16 questionnaires asking what they thought of our documentary, and asked them to give me honest opinions.
The feedback that we received from these results has been written down and I have done a conclusion on Microsoft Excel from the questionnaires and I have also filmed some answers, to what they thought of the documentary when it was on youtube.
Questionnaire and results that I gave out to a number of people:
1) Did you like our documentary?
From this result i learnt that all the of the 16 people that filled out our questionaaire did like our beginning opening to documentary, which was very pleasing and a good result. We learnt that all our hard work has paid off and people said they enjoyed it, everyone that we asked enjoyed it which is a very postive conclusion.
2) Explain your resons (Why yes? Why no?)
This answer gives us the conclusion that many things are liked about our documentary, particulaly our choice of interviews, which i also think are our strongest element. Our animations are also popular, so we learnt that its better to have cheeky, fun animations to relate to attraction and love.
3) What could we improve on?
This gives us the conclusion that the sound is our weakest element, as it sounds uneven on youtube at the very beginning because of the music and voiceover, however after playing around with the volume levels are sound is now fixed and correct on adobe premire.
4) Does the theme interest you?
Most people said that the theme interested them because of the fact that their has never really been any documentarys about that explain about attraction, so would be interesting to find out more. I learnt that the 3 people that said no were not interested because they weren't really bothered about finding out attraction and it's just something that happens and they believe its a natural feeling.
5) After watching the introduction, would you want to watch the full half n hour?
This outcome was very positive, as everyone we asked wanted to watch the full thing after seeing the first 5 minuites, from this i learnt that the most important part of a documentary is the first few minuites because people instantley can dicide weather they want to continue to watch it or turn over!
6) Do you think our interviews worked well?
All 16 people that filled in our questionaire said that they thought our interviews worked well, this was because of the choice of interviews we used and the fact that we varied the age, sex, and genders to make it different and many different answers. We also learnt that in our interviews they all gave different answers to the same/similar questions, making it more varied and showing peoples different oppinions.
7) What did you think of the choice of music and voice over?
We learnt one again that our music at the beginning sounded a bit uneven and the music and voiceover in the first 5 seconds sounds a bit unlevel, however this concluded that the rest of the levels of sound is perfectly fine and the voice over is easy understood and clear to hear by our audience.
8) Do you think our film poster relates to our documentary? Why?
I asked many people this question and got all positive answers and will note down some of their answers:
1) I really liked your film poster, i think the picture is very strong and clear, it looks proffesional and i could see it up on a bill board somewhere passing by, and would no straight away that it was a channel 4 poster. Your main image is the strongest thing and is very well took and looks like a couple heavily in love.
2) The film poster is my favorite thing, i really like it, i think it's because it looks proffesional and is very eye-catching, as soon as i saw it i knew it had something to do with love or attraction, i like the fact that their is not to much overpowering font, but just important information and a cheeky 'do you fancy it?' line!
From this answer and others similar we learnt that our film poster worked really well and that people really did like it, i think the strongest point of the poster is the main central image because it is so powerful and meaningful and represents alot of things such as; love, happyness, lust and attraction which all heavily relate to our docmentary.
9) Did you like our film poster? And why?
The majority of people said they liked our film poster for many reasons; People said they really liked the picture and thought it looked very professional, they also thought it resembled the channel 4 posters well as it looked very similar to them, they liked the fact that the picture was very eye-catching and that the boy and girl on it looked in love and happy relating to attraction/love. However one person said they didn't, we asked them their reasons and we learnt that they didn't like the style of font that we used and thought it should be bigger, they also thought that we should of made the photo black and white to make it more romantic. This gave us some good feedback which we can take on board for future.
10) What are your opinions of our radio trailer?
"I thought your radio trailer was good, however i didn't really like the girls voice who spoke throughout, i thought her voice was very bland and boring, and didn't really interest me that much, i liked the fact that you added small clip bits from your documentary into your radio, i thought that was very clever and good."
"the radio trailer was the weekest for me, purley for the fact of the girls voice, she seemed abit dull and not fun and fresh, i also think to make it better you should have played music the hole way through to make it more exciting and fun and would of been a good song to play."
"The radio trailer was OK, i liked the things the girl was saying and it probably would of checked out your documentary, however i think you should of used the girl from your documentary on your voice over."
"I liked the fact that you used the same peice of music in the radio trailer and in the documentary, it tied it all together and made that song relevant to your piece."
"I really enjoyed your radio trailer, i thought it all flowed well and was like a proffesional one that you would hear on the radio, the only problem would be that the girls voice could of done with being a bit louder and abit more enthusiastic."
11) Would you be willing to watch our documentary after listening to the radio advert?
3/4 of the people said they really liked our radio trailer and thought it sounded good however a quarter of the people said they would not be willing to watch the documentary after listening to the trailer, there were many reasons for this such as:
1) The girls’ voice that we used to voice over, was a bit dull, and not very exciting making them not want to watch it as she had a boring voice.
2) The sound wasn't at a steady pace and seemed a bit up and down and dodgy-making it seems unprofessional.
3) The music needed to be on a little bit longer, as the music was fun, exciting and upbeat and it wasn't played for long enough.
4) Voice-over didn't seem very enthusiastic-sounded bored and sad.
12) What is your favourite item out of the radio trailer, documentary and poster? And why?
From these results I have learnt that our documentary was the favourite out of the three, and that the radio trailer was the least, i think our documentary and poster are also the strongest two as I believe they are the two most important elements because people will see the poster wherever they are weather its driving past or in a magazine. These were the reasons that people wrote down why they chose what they did;
Radio Trailer:
1) I like the radio trailer best because, I think it includes items from your documentary, and the girl used to speak sounds very good.
2) I really like the radio trailer as if I heard it when listening to galaxy etc I would most probably be likely to watch your documentary, also a lot of people listen to the radio so it would be advertised well, so a lot of people would no about it.
3) I like the music used at the beginning and the fact that you have used the same piece in your documentary, ties it all together.
Print Advert
1) The print advert is my favourite because the picture is so professional and a gorgeous photo, it would really make me want to watch your documentary, as it looks fun but interesting.
2) I really like the print advert because I think it looks like a channel 4 adverts, and channel 4 is my favourite channel so I would be most likely to watch it, as it looks different and fresh.
3) I love the picture, it looks really good and clear-the font is limited but the line ‘do you fancy it?’ makes it seem cheeky and quirky, making you wonder what it’s going to be about.
4) The main picture really catches my full attention, it makes a statement and I like the fact that its really close up and zoomed into them with no distractions, it also clearly states all the necessary information that you would need.
1) The documentary is really good; the choice of interviews throughout is varied and kept me entertained, I would love to watch more.
2) I like the animations used, like the kiss at the beginning is cute and fun and the way the font zooms in when it’s on screen is like a real documentary.
3) I like the fact you used a lesbian couple, showing that it’s more varied and isn’t just typical man/women, boy/girl.
4) Its my favourite because I think it shows a lot of hard work and looks professional all the camera angles you have used are clean cut.
5) I like it best because I think it is really interesting and informative but is also entertaining, and doesn’t drag on, like I like the fact that you have used photo’s to go over the interviews so it makes it more interesting.
6) The music at the beginning is really fun and different.
7) I like the introduction where the heart float across screen and the clips of recognisable programmes like skins, as I love skins.
8) I like the interview with the expert lady at the end, gives you useful and interesting information.
9) It is all in a simple order, and easy to understand.
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