Wednesday, 15 December 2010

Audience Feedback

Teacher Feedback:
Firstly we showed our documentary to our two teachers, to get constructive feedback on what they thought we should improve on or change:

-To improve all the sound, especially on the voice over-so that all the sound as at the same level, and could be heard clearly and easy understood so that it was all at one wave lenght.

-To do a main title at the beginning 'Attraction' Making it flirty and fun.

-To add photo's/shots of the married couple as cut a ways, to make the interview more varied and interesting.

-Get rid of black fades that we had twice in our documentary.

-Make all titles simple, similar sizes and colour that was relevant to the theme.

-Adjust voice over sound so that is was loud and clear throughout and at the same pace.

After doing these ajustments we were finished with our documentary and we were pleased with the final outcome and that everthing was as good as it could get, cut down well and shots and framing were well filmed.

Audience Feedback:
We showed our final documentary piece to many people and also uploaded it on youtube to get constructive feedback, to find out what people liked about our documentary and what people believed we should change or improve on.
When we put our video on youtube, we asked as many people as we could to watch it and comment back what they thought about our documentary honestley, we got many responces and some very postivie and constructive feedback. This is some of the comments we got back and our audience wrote for us:

1) the video was very good in going into the main issuses with attraction i think to improve the video it could include more videos of couples e.g. and elderly couple or ask young people how there feel about attraction.

2) I enjoyed the documentary showing us opinions from teens and then the older generation and an experts take on attration. I liked many things: The beginning with the lips grabbed my attention, the married couples interview and photo's of them over the years was sweet, and the different opinions, one couple believed in love at first sight and the other did not.

3) i really liked this documentary, i learnt that no-body actually really knows what atraction actually is, it's a matter of oppinion. I liked the interview with the physcologist and she had her opinions with the photos over the top relating to what she was talking about, however i would of liked to hear more music throughout to make it more fun.

4) for two college students to make a documentary i would imagine is very difficult, this documentary caught me by suprise and was really interesting and was presented brilliantly- as they are not proffesional filmers. I thought the theme was a really good idea, i like the choice of interviews, the music at the beginning was very catchy and i liked the lesbian couple as it showed a variety of sex's making it unstereotypical. The sound was a bit un steady at the beginning on youtube, but was fine throughout the rest.

I gave out a brief questionnaire to 10 people to get a range of answers and seeing what people honestley thought of our documentary, and then asked them to give me a 1-5 scale reating on the following qualities (1, being lowest. 5 being highest);

1) Informative
1. 4/5
2. 4/5
3. 3/5
4. 5/5
5. 4/5
6. 5/5
7. 3/5
8. 4/5
9. 5/5
10. 5/5

2) Entertainment
1. 3/5
2. 4/5
3. 2/5
4. 3/5
5. 4/5
6. 4/5
7. 3/5
8. 4/5
9. 4/5
10. 3/5

3) Technical Quality-

a) Sound
1. 2/5
2. 2/5
3. 3/5
4. 5/5
5. 1/5
6. 3/5
7. 3/5
8. 3.5/5
9. 4/5
10. 3/5

b) Editing
1. 4/5
2. 5/5
3. 5/5
4. 5/5
5. 4/5
6. 4/5
7. 4/5
8. 5/5
9. 4/5
10. 4/5

4) Eye Catching- Print Advert
1. 4/5
2. 4/5
3. 5/5
4. 5/5
5. 5/5
6. 5/5
7. 4/5
8. 5/5
9. 4/5
10. 4/5

5) Obeying Conventions-compared to proffesional documentaries
1. 4/5
2. 3/5
3. 4/5
4. 4/5
5. 5/5
6. 4/5
7. 5/5
8. 4/5
9. 5/5

I also asked many people questions about our documentary, and copied some of their answers that they wrote down. The conclusions and results will be disussed in my evaluation.

1) Did you like our documentary?
Yes, i really enjoyed your documentary!

2) Explain your reasons (yes or no).
I thought it was very different from any others, as i have never heard or seen a documentary in the theme of attraction, making it one of a kind.

3) What could we improve on?
I thik the main thing you could improve on would be the sound of the voice over at the beginning it was very uneven and distracting, maybe more music included to make it more bubbly and fresh, however i did like the sound (music) at the beginning.

4) Does the theme interest you?
Yes, the theme was very interesting, as it is unusual and would interest most people.

5) After watching the introdcution 5 minuites, would you be willing to watch the full half an hour?
Definatley, i think it's a very good documentary and would love to watch more, more interviews and expert opinions.

6) Do you think our interviews worked well?
Extreemly well, the best element of your documentary! as they are all so different and i like how you have varied the age and sex's.

7) What do you think of the choice of music and voice over?
I love the choice of music, it is a song i have never heard before but grabbed my straight away, the voice over was good she sounded enthusastic and exciting with a bubbly voice.

8) Do you think our film poster relates to our documentary?
Very well, as soon as i saw it i knew it had something to do with physical, attraction or love.

9) Did you like our film poster? why?
It was my favorite element, i thought it was proffesionally took and looked really good, like a proper channel 4 poster, i think the picture is amazing, the font is perfect for channel 4 and you havent used overpowering texts or fonts and is easy to read. And the channel 4 logo is in the right place so i can tell you have researched it!

10) What are your opinions of our Radio trailer?
I thought it was OK, it didn't really grab my attention ad the girls voice was abit drowned out and a bit dull and boring.

11) Would you be willing to watch our documentary after hearing the film advert?
Yes, i enjoyed the radio trailer and after hearing clips from your documentary in it, they made my laugh so i would assume your documentary would be abit cheeky and fun.

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