Friday 15 October 2010

Interview Questions

Quesions to ask the interviewee (proffesionals)
Interview Questions

-What causes attraction between men and women?
-Is there a real Psychological reason why we are attracted to the people we are?
-What are the Psychological Reasons for attraction?
-Why are some people attracted to the same sex?
-Is it true that opposites attract or is this just a theory?
-Do we marry people who look like our parents?
-Why do we fall in love?
-What are the reasons for high divorce statistics?
-Is there a biological reason for attraction?

Questions to ask our couples.
-Do you believe in love at first sight?
-What works and what does not work in your relationship?
-How long have you been together?
-Where did you meet?
-Do you believe oppisistes attract?
-What were you first interested in when you met your partner? what did you notice/like about them?
-What do you like about each other?

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