Q.1 Please tick one of the following that applies to you
16-21 21-35 36-45 45+
Q2. Please tick one of the following that applies to you
Male Female
Q3. Do you enjoy watching documentaries? What has been your favourite documentary and why?
Q4. Approximately How many documentaries have you watched this year?
Q5. What sexuality Are you? Please circle
Homosexual Bisexual Heterosexual Not Sure Rather not say
Q6. Have you ever had a relationship? If so please circle the one that applies to you?
Yes No Nothing Serious
Q7. How long was your longest relationship?
Q8. Do you believe in Love and first site? Give you reasons why
Q9. Have you ever seen any documentaries or programmes before that try explain the reasons behind attraction?
Q10. Do you believe there is a sociological reason we are attracted to certain people?
Q11. Would you be interested in finding out some of the sociological reason we are attracted to certain individuals?
Q12. Do you believe opposites attract? Please explain your answer
Q13. What attracts you to a certain person? Please explain your answer
Most of the people that we interviewed where under the age of 21, therefore our main target audience would be teenagers and young adults.
Most of the people that filled in our questionaaire were female rather than male.
3/4 of the people we surveyed are interested and enjoy watching documentries, which is a positive responce as we are making a documentry.
Most people have wtched 31+ documentrys within the year (approx).
The vast majority of people are hetroxsexual, however there are afew people who are bisexual and homosexual therefor we have a wide range of people and sexualties within out answers.
Nearly everyone we interviewed has has some sort of relationship in the past, or is in a relationship now.
Most peoples realtionships have lasted at least 1-9 months, however 10 people have lastest just under and alot over a year.
19/30 people agree that they believe in love at first site, the left over 11 people do not believe in this fate.
Not many people have seen any documentries that explain the reasons behind attraction, this is a good thing as our documentry will be unusual and different making more people want to watch it.
25/30 people believe that there is a sociological reason behind attraction, making it easy as our documentry is the reasons behind it, and people will want to no what them reasons are.
98% of people are interested to no the physcological reasons behind attraction which is very helpful and useful as most people will want to watch our documentry to find out what the reasons are.
17/30 people agree that oppisites attract, the other 7 people to not believe this, showing us all different peoples opinions.
These results helped us come to a conclusion about our documentry, as most people enjoy watching documentries. Alot of people have different opinions about sexualities and love, throughout the answers given in our survey people said they don't no any physcological reasons behind attraction, but would be really interested and would love to no the reasons behind 'why we are attracted to certain people', as we are going to answer this question in our documentry alot of people would be interested to watch it, as it would be entertaining, informative and knowledgable.
Target Audience interviews:
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