Monday, 13 September 2010

Inital Idea's

Initial Ten Ideas we came up with within our group

1. Drugs and Alcohol; How and why Drugs and Alcohol are affecting young Teenagers. Showing different reasons why this is happening and the impact it is having on society.

2. Cancer; Showing how cancer affects the lives of many different people. The after effects of having Cancer and living terminal Cancer. Also how cancer affects the body in many different ways and looking into how this affects family and friends.

3. Circle Of Life; Looking into the animal kingdom and how humans are affecting their world. Also how pollution is killing off certain species of creatures and animals. How we can help throughout the world to stop extinction, showing people who are already trying to save animals from going extinct.

4. Cartoons; The history of when cartoons and how they became what they are today. Cartoons which are most popular and why. How cartoons have made a significant effect of children’s lives.

5. Serial Killers; Looking into different Serial killers and showing if there are any links between different well known Serial Killers. Trying to understand the reasons they committed these crimes (Sociological reasons).

6. Contraception and Teenage Pregnancy; Looking into new methods of contraception and how it has changed over the last decade. Figures of teenage pregnancy and why in some countries it is higher than others. Living with certain sexual transmitted diseases.

7. Why are we Attracted to the people we are? what makes us attracted to the people we fancy. Why are we sometimes attracted to the alcoholic, the unavailable, and the abusive? Is there a genetic reason why people are attracted to mates that look similar to them?

8. Why do we have; looking into why we have certain things such as eyebrows, hair and eyelashes.

9. What Happens where we die? Different opinions and beliefs about what happens to us when we die. Discovering the Scientific ways of bringing people back to life in America.

10. Why do some people need more sleep than others. Looking into why do we sleep? Why do some people sleep walk? The dangers of Sleep deprivation?

Three prilimanary Idea's::

-The first idea we took from the Initial Ten Ideas was Contraception and Teenage Pregnancy. We liked this idea because we believed that this would be an excellent target audience for both teenagers and parents. This documentary would be hard hitting showing how teenage pregnancy is on a dramatic increase throughout England. We also thought this documentary had a good source of evidence, facts and figures that have already been published about Contraception and Teenage Pregnancy because it is a popular issue within the media. Also having watch The Sex Education show and how this show was popular throughout Britain, this shows that this topic is a good theme to produce a documentary about. It would also be easy to find people to interview about Contraception due to a number of places around the area we live such as doctors, personal help advisers and many others that would be available for us to interview.

-Secondly we chose to do a documentary about alcohol and the effects of alcohol, we thought this would be a great choice of documentary as most of the people who would be watching are documentary would be teenagers and young adults therefore could realate to this genre, as britian has an extreemly high rate of binge drinking. We would do archive footage of the streets and the effects of people staggering about of a night time getting attacked, raped or even worse. We would interview doctors and hospital surgens seeing how many people come in drunk with drunk realted injuries, we would also speak to the general public asking for their opinion and their views on alcohol and how it effects their lives, this would hopefully encourage and inform people about the dangers of alcohol, and make our target audience of teenagers more aware.

-Finally we picked for the Initial ten ideas was; Why are we Attracted to the people we are? We believed this to be a very interesting subject and relate to almost everybody who is in a relationship or looking for a relationship. We also thought that this idea could lead us onto many other subject matters relating to this such as why the divorce rate is so high, why we marry people who look like our parents and why some people are attracted to the same sex. This idea would enable us to show a documentary that is unusual but interesting.
We dicided between our group that this was the idea that we wanted to use as our final documentry as it was unusual, differernt and would entertain, inform and be enjoyable to watch.
Our documentry would probably be featured on Channel 3 or Channel 4 during the night time about 9'o clock, due to them being very popular channels with a younger audience, and a likely time to show all sorts of bits and bobs as it is past 9 and we could explain our answeres graphically and informally. The documentry would be called 'Why are we attracted to the people that we are?' this question makes a bold statement and leaves the audience woundering and guessing, also it would be used as throughtout the documentry is would answer the question in all sorts of ways.

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